Bread Recipes

Let’s make Bread !! Step by Step Bread Making with Kathy

#ArtisanBread #LetsmakeBread #BreadMakingwithKathy

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Video Transcription

good morning everybody this is Kathy
welcome back to my channel
I’m here today it’s some day there’s 17
18 I think it’s the 18 yeah well I’m
gonna make some artisan bread and I’m
gonna show you guys how to do it
step-by-step okay so I’m gonna start
with getting the ingredients ready and
I’ll be right back
second okay so you are gonna need some
flour some all-purpose flour
any brand you like and you’re gonna need
five cups and this spoon is some half a
cup so I’m gonna use several of this
we’re gonna make it five cups of flowers
again okay so this is half here’s one
five okay so here’s the flour that we
just put in here the five cups of
flowers that I was just measuring I use
the same spoons mix 1/2 a cup spoon to
create a hole in there and now it looks
like a mini volcano so what I’m gonna do
now is add the other ingredients which
are the three teaspoons of yeast 1
tablespoon of salt and half a cup of oil
okay so let’s do that next
so where is the yeast this is the
granules don’t try one I’m using the
fast-acting one okay I have the 1
tablespoon of salt in here it’s not
really full to the top because I don’t
want it that that salty but if you want
to do it the whole tablespoon you can do
that it’s depending on what you want if
you don’t want to have any salt to your
bread you can also do that okay so the
yeast and the salt and now we’re gonna
have the oil to half a cup of oil okay
guys this is the half a cup of oil okay
sorry about the background noise it’s
that’s fun is watching my son’s teeth
he’s making him cry in the process so
this is a half a cup of oil let’s put it
in here and now we have to start putting
it all together so let me do that next
okay so let’s start my hands are clean
they just wash them I’m gonna start
mixing all the ingredients just with
your hands okay mix together
now I just bring it together okay I’m
gonna use my table spoon okay it’s
getting there guys
we’re gonna have five more than I’ll be
back okay guys so I added 31 of this
tablespoons of warm water into my dog
mixture and that was the right amount it
was a little bit wet so I have to add a
little bit of bone dry flour in my hands
and just use it to like finish putting
together the dog but now it’s perfect
this is see if this is how it looks it’s
soft its moist so now what we have to do
is to cover this dough and make some
dish towel a clean dish towel first or
the napkin I’m gonna use this to just
wrap it around it so what we need is we
want this to get me warm okay so for the
yeast to react in our sea it has to dish
towels or big napkins here and I’m gonna
put it aside and I’m gonna wait for like
20 minutes or a half hour and then I’m
gonna start working on my dough and
making the breads okay this keep in mind
that this is just five cups of flour if
you want to make more breath for you to
three sit and keep it for like a week
just double the recipe and add more cups
of flour and make everything double and
then you’ll have a bigger batch okay
I’ll be right back when this is ready
okay guys so it’s been a half-hour um
the dough already reacted with the yeast
now we’re gonna need to do is to start
working on the dough we have to knead
the dough you know you makes it work it
on your surface and make sure you do a
really good job here this is the most
important part of making the bread okay
you gotta make it soft make sure that
everything is well blended in there so
use your hands and start working on your
dog okay so I’m gonna do that and then I
gotta put it on in the oven for about a
half-hour 45 minutes in like 350 degrees
I’ll be back when I’m done working with
the dough here are making the breads and
I’ll show you how it looks okay I’ll be
okay guys beside loss I’m gonna okay you
can make any shape you want I’ll show
oh and you have to put some flour on
your tray before you okay guys this is
the bread I took it out of the oven it
was in there for 45 minutes okay you
know like this is how it looks it’s
pretty good huh
so we’re gonna try and see how it tastes
and I hope you like it I hope you can
try it at home let me know if you did
then how it came out
this is mine I have more in the oven
right now I just put that one in the
open not so long ago it’s gonna be there
for 4 to 5 minutes okay guys I put it 4
minutes ago so I still have to wait for
the other one but this this is how it
looks at the end ok guys so I hope you
can try it let me know what you think
and if you like this video don’t forget
to Like and subscribe have a happy
Sunday okay bye bye

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