Bella learns how to make banana bread for the first time! Remember to always ask for help with you are using something hot, or sharp! Never do it by your self!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Hey so where’s mommy teaching to mixtoday banana bread that’s enough I needone teaspoon okay well that’s more thana teaspoon good okay ah all rightnow in the words of my favorite chickhugger risky businessall right four right bananas open andthrow it in therenow whiskey whiskey whiskey whiskey twoteaspoons vanilla extract extra carefulslowly there you go okay all right nowwe need a half a cup of milk[Music]you and daddy butter the loaf yeah takeit we’re gonna push it all against thesides gonna pick this up I’m gonna putit in here oh here you go dump it dumpit hey you go all of it all rightone cup or one eight one eight[Music]then whiskey business all rightand then wet meat dry yeah betteryeah like yummy already huh oh no oh nooh no what are you doing what you’re notgonna do anything what are you doing ina bone then flatten it yes you can dothis you flat slowly okay don’t stir itit’s fine there we go then we bake for55 minutes timer 55 minutes starting nowand now we wait for the breadBella it’s time to get the bread heyGoogle stop just get it we get ourhandy-dandy[Music]careful that’s hot mama I can smell itfrom here it smells good perfect perfectand done it dadyou did it monkey you have your head youmade your first no for banana breadalright alright alrightsee how this looks inside yeah you wannacut it cut it with mommy help mommy tohands dance here you gohey cut it wait wait wait wait wait onlydo this one mommy and daddy you’rehelping look good dad monkey what youtake monkey is it look goodyeah yeahhow do you see a snack timegood I’ll helping a butter there you gookay but I get the first bite what doyou think okayyeah diver Derek their job monkey highfivewait go still eating in here you gonnamake me a cake what kind of cake whatkind of cake you gonna make them aSuperman cake why the banana bread inyour mouth silly how do you think thatmama I think she did a ok yeah you madeyour first note aboutmommy’s not done I’m ready[Music]