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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everybody today we will be makingbread with the automatic bread makerlike this one so so first this is thepail which you put all the ingredientsin it and here’s the petal there’s someflour in here put the petal in like thisthen it will be in and then okay youwill need 3 cups of flour you’ll need 3cups of flour which I’ll just put inthis measurement is a cup I use achopstick to make it evenand a second cupand then the third cup three cup mesweat three cups make one pound of bread1.5 pound of bread and that’s the thirdcup so after the flower you will needyeast we will need 1 and 1/2 teaspoon ofyeasthey so one in a half this is 1 teaspoonyou’ll need[Music]and they have teeth this is ahalf-teaspoon then we’re done with theimplants after that we will need 1/2 cupof milk powder which is this okay thisshows 1/2 cup by 1/2 cup and after thatand then you can add some nuts but thenuts have to be crushed and that isoptional so you don’t have to put thatin and there are two eggs you’ll have totrack them and put them in here I’mpretty sure no showjust grab a towel then for the second aI’m going to try to make this morebetter perhaps yeah that’s better putthat aside and we all have to add somehoney I’m going to be using this kind ofhoney today so just add about let’s seeif you add more it will make it sweeterapproximately this muchyou could put a little more then afterthe honey about 1 tablespoon we all haveone tablespoon or three people’stablespoons of butter you’ll have tohave that out for one day so it could bewell able to melt easier when they shakeitafter that you will need 2 teaspoons ofsure this is 1 teaspoon so you’ll needtwo of these 1cuteand then you’ll need one teaspoon saltand this is the salt over here I’m usingthe same one which means one teaspoonand pour that and then finally therewill be one cup of milk do not forget toput the milk in the microwave for 40seconds or less[Music][Music]you can add a little more okay and thenyou’ll have to put that back and thenI’m going to go and quickly put this inthe microwaveI’ll put this in here and I will showhow to do that so put that in accordingthis way put his sideways in then twistit sideways thank you then if you can’tpull it out I mean just locked in thenpour that inthen close this plug it in then come uphere right here it says these so loafsighs how many our ingredients only isenough for 1.5 so 1.5 pounds so put thatthere and then the crust color should bemedium but whichever you would like 1.5is it okay there some 1.5 then you pressstart and then ill shape it in here likethis then you’ll have to put away allyour ingredients thank you and have anice day