Bread Recipes

How to cook banana nut bread

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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome back to my cooking show
today we are going to be making banana
nut bread for all of y’all who have
peanut allergies you’re gonna be making
ones without nuts this is a very easy
and delicious banana bread first make
sure to pre-heat your oven to 350
degrees the ingredients you’re gonna
need include flour baking powder baking
soda salt ground cinnamon 2 eggs sugar 6
very ripe bananas and by very ripe I
mean very very ripe peanuts and cooking
oil next in a medium bowl you’re going
to be adding 3 cups of flour along with
3 teaspoons of baking powder add in 1/2
teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 teaspoon of
ground cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of salt
then combine all of your dry ingredients
making a well in the center of them in a
separate bowl add your two eggs and 6
bananas now mash all of them up until
well combined add in 1 and 1/2 cups of
sugar 1/2 cup of cooking oil and then
mix them all up once you’ve mixed them
up pour them into the well that you made
earlier then stir them all together pour
in your desired amount of peanuts and
mash them up with a hammer grease your
pans and then pour in your banana
mixture now mix up your peanuts and pour
them into your second pan and now it’s
time to put them in the oven bake your
banana bread for 55 minutes and this is
what they look like straight out of the
oven I hope you like this video and if
you did please smash that like button
and we will see y’all next time goodbye

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