Bread Recipes

how to bake home made bread

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good afternoon guys today I’m going toshow you how to prepare homemade brainswith icy fresh meat just have to usewhat a move this can do yeahplus you have to check our eggs or youcan just step three to four eggs noproblem yeah just just to check our eggslike these after breaking the eggs hereto get down yeah and you just have toput too much trouble if you just add 10grams or 20 frames of majority rightmake sure then you after that you mixmagellan with the eggs after aftermixing preparing you take your salt youput a little bit of salt not too much ifyou take sugar he puts a little pieceand go to put six who’s young and youmix now we happy liquor supply hereto put our father’s new SS to put exposeyeah and yet mixes together in this thenit’s at eggs and my children mix itafter mixing means preparing to forgetthe LMS bits of is just let’s take 1/2teaspoon yeah this just a little bit andalso add a little bit of soda or bakingpowder like this one fh1 such as yes andthis would be nice like this we mix ourmix and a little bit of water yeah myshakes is enough now you have to takeyour baking pan are you baking say yeahafter mixing this right just have tocheck anything and baking pan okay justcheck here a pan because it’s just ahomemade bread just a projectjust about of my children and just haveto spread it in the car like this likethis I spray the material in my pan likethis yespush justice to clean my hands like thisyeah I’ll put the dog in the pan I putmy time in the pole like these pleasepeace make sure just play this like thislike this time now you have to put it inthe earth pain oh boyWow Wow this man is so good let’s hearthis is time it’s nice now you come upsee[Music]

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