Bread Recipes

Franzbrötchen Selber Machen (Rezept) || German Cinnamon Bread Rolls (Recipe) || [ENG SUBS]

Schnell & einfach leckere Franzbrötchen Selber Machen. || How to bake simple & easy German Cinnamon Bread Rolls.

Für das Rezept benötigen Wir folgende Zutaten || For the recipe we need the following ingredients:

Zutaten für 12 Franzbrötchen: || Ingredients for 12 German Cinnamon Bread Rolls:

•500 Gramm Mehl || 500 grams flour
•275 Milliliter Milch || 275 milliliters milk
•200 Gramm weiche Butter || 200 grams soft butter
•125 Gramm brauner Zucker || 125 grams brown sugar
•75 Gramm weißer Zucker || 75 grams sugar
•1 gehäufter Esslöffel Zimt || 1 heaping tablespoon cinnamon
•1 Päckchen Vanillezucker || 1 sachet vanilla sugar
•½ Würfel Hefe || ½ cube fresh yeast
•Eine Prise Salz || A oinch of salt

Küchenhelfer: || Kitchen gadgets:

•Hohes Gefäß zum Verrühren der Hefe-Milch-Mischung || Tall container to mix yeast milk mixture
•Schneebesen oder Gabel || Whisk or fork
•Küchenmaschine oder Mixer mit Knethaken || Kitchen machine or mixer with dough hook
•Rührschüssel || Mixing bowl
•Küchentuch || Kitchen towel
•Nudelholz || Rolling pin
•Backblech + Backpapier || Baking tray + baking paper
•Pinsel || Brush
•Holzlöffel || Wooden spoon
•Auskühlgitter || Wire rack

Das komplette Rezept zum Nachlesen findet ihr hier:

Franzbrötchen Selber Machen

The complete recipe for future reference can be found here:

Homemade German Cinnamon Bread Rolls

Viel Spass beim Nachbacken 😉 || Enjoy baking 😉

Meine Ausrüstung: || My equipment:

✗ Kamera || Camera:
✗ Stativ || Tripod:

Einige meine Küchengeräte aus den Videos: || Some of my Kitchen Gadgets from the videos:

✗ Küchenmaschine || Kitchen machine:
✗ Eismaschine || Ice Cream Maker:
✗ Messer || Knife:
✗ Pfeffermühle || Pepper mill:
✗ Auskühlgitter || Wire rack:
✗ Panini Grill || Panini grill:
✗ Rührschüssel || Mixing bowl:
✗ Salat Schüssel || Salad Bowl:

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#Franzbrötchen #Backen #ichkocheheute

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Video Transcription

German Cinnamon Bread RollsAll ingredients and quantitative data are listed & linked in the infobox below.Welcome to a new video……today I’m going to show you a recipe for delicious German “Franzbrötchen”……for this we first prepare a yeast dough……so crumble ½ cube (about 20 grams) of yeast into a tall container……add 75 grams of sugar and 1 sachet of vanilla sugar……also pour in 275 milliliters of lukewarm milk……& then mix together with a whisk or fork……until sugar & yeast have completely dissolved……next, combine the yeast milk mixture along with 500 grams of flour……100 grams of soft butter & a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl……& knead for 4 – 5 minutes with a food processor or a mixer with a dough hook…..until a smooth dough is formed……which should completely detach from the bowl wall……shape the finished dough into a ball……put back in the mixing bowl……& allow to rest covered with a kitchen towel……for 45 – 60 minutes in a warm place……meanwhile put 125 grams of brown sugar in a small bowl for the filling……add 1 – 2 tablespoons of cinnamon……mix well together & then set aside……put the risen dough on a floured work surface after the rest period……also lightly flour from above……flatten with your hands first……& then roll out with a rolling pin until thin & as rectangular as possible……to the size of about 50cm x 40cm……when done, first brush the dough evenly with 100 grams of soft butter……next comes the prepared cinnamon & sugar mixture……& finally roll up the whole dough from the long side……now we can portion the dough roll……cut the dough roll diagonally or trapezoidal with a knife into 12 rolls of approximately the same size……& for the typical “Franzbrötchen” look, press in all the dough pieces in the middle with a wooden spoon……so that the cut surfaces on the left and right side slightly arch upwards……then place the shaped “Franzbrötchen” on a lined baking sheet with a good distance between them……cover again with a kitchen towel……& let rest for another 30 – 45 minutes……afterwards the bread rolls go into the preheated oven……for 15 – 20 minutes at 180°C (top/bottom heat)……take the finished “Franzbrötchen” out of the oven after the baking time……that’s what they look like……golden brown & wonderfully crispy……I hope you enjoyed the video……have fun baking & see you next video!

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