Bread Recipes

#breadpops How to make easy bread pops for kids yummy for parties 🎉 |Hana’s Little World 🌍

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And wait!the ingredients are:

Bread crumbs 2/3 slices

Nutella 1tbsp

Hershey’s chocolate syrup

Powdered sugar



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Video Transcription

guys welcome to another video so in this
video I’m gonna teach you how to make an
easy bread pop simple and nice so now
let’s go before that I just want to tell
that beach into 100 subscribers actually
reach or under subscriber so thank you
for that guys and if it’s red right now
and we do one at like color and now
let’s jump into the video
so I’m going to go on icing sugar and I
thought of the sugar and a normal gender
Josh so now let’s start making so I’m
gonna add some Nutella or Nutella
anything and so let’s add it take hold
spoon now I’m just gonna add it to form
the doll I am using Nutella on each
other um you can also use chocolate
ganache that you can use some fresh
cream and you can melt the chocolate and
mix it together to make a chocolate
ganache now let’s mix it together with
our hand cuz hand is how you make a
dough so let’s start mixing so now you
can add your Hershey’s syrup if it’s not
a joke let’s add it
and we’re gonna mix it together
well I’m gonna clean it together you
gotta add the powdered sugar so I made
the dough and looks really nice and
really soft and little that you can add
some powdered sugar you just take a
small piece and just eat it and just
shake it very some sugar so I am above
it to them never shut up now I’m gonna
make it into a round ball and take some
small small small pieces and I’m gonna
make a little ball into ball and then
let’s see what we’re gonna do in
decorating and we had some ways busway
is a powder to me so it’s done I’m gonna
roll some roll this and some powdered
sugar once done don’t add too much
powdered sugar as we already add it in
our dough so now I’m going to show the
Oreo way so first I will crumble your
Oreos so let’s stop making into pieces
but remember don’t make into the small
pieces you need to into big pieces look
so that you can get those chunks in your
mouth so now I’m going to dip one of the
bowls in Hershey syrup I’ll take a girl
her she sit up then you go like put in
the over maybe one or two like one is
enough that we covered under yo keep it
and the second one I’m also going to do
a layout there she stood up it shows a
shiny glaze which is really nice so now
let’s start plating it so to play today
you can take your balls and take it into
an oval shaped plate and remember you
have to keep this in the refrigerator or
I’m gonna keep it in the refrigerator
and maybe just for 30 minutes like 30
minutes is enough you don’t want us to
become really hard that’s right yeah so
this is gonna look really nice and now
for the plating I thought what now you
gotta take care of icing sugar just take
a little bit that’s enough and just
sprinkle it like this this looks really
nice when you do it and remember you can
use your seat because when you don’t use
your seat it looks very bad just tell me
and you can also do some more decorating
by putting some bread crumbs that will
look great so let’s try and yeah
if you want you can put back room I told
you that
this is so so yummy and I’m really
excited to make this so if you make this
you can set me up that you’re on my
Instagram which I’m gonna send in the
week in the description box below you
can search at Hannah’s and eat my team
or action a selfie and send me a picture
of your like of your ball red pop or red
ball now
thanks for watching Indian thumbs up and
subscribe to my youtube channel

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