Bread Recipes

Blogging is like making bread

Blogging and bread both require waiting to see results.

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vlogging is like baking bread takes timeto get the payoff I’ve got some doughhere that I’ve had singing the fridgefor a couple of days to develop flavorand I want to bake it now but I can’tjust pick it up and plop it into theoven I’ve got to shape it maybe need itthis one’s a very simple dough I canjust shape it and then they have to letit sit and let it rise it’s the samething with blogs you post themthen you have to wait you can boost yourresults with blogs early on by sharinglinks via social media maybe doing payper click campaign just like I couldtake this dough and move it to a warmerspot to get it to rise a little bitfaster still after an hour I have totake this dough and put it in the ovenand bake it when it comes out this iswhere blogs and bread are differentwhere the bread is probably going to begone in a very short amount of time ablog post sticks around for yearsstudies show that blogs on average stickaround for about two years we look at alot of agency website analytics so wecan tell you that many agencies haveblog posts that are still on their top 5most visited pages three or four yearsafter they’ve originally written themand it’s because those blog posts areserving a need they’re fulfilling ahunger that somebody has for knowledgejust as this bread is going to fulfillus later tonight thanks a lot[Music]

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