Bread Recipes

🍞 Bread halwa.మీకు స్వీట్ తినాలి అనిపించినప్పుడు ఎంతో ఈజీగా తయారు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

Bread slices 8
1/2 cup ghee
Dry fruits
1cup water
1 cup sugar
Cardamom powder.

Make bread halwa with these ingredients.It tastes so yummy!!

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Video Transcription

hello Andy welcome to rainbow kitchen
nano me anew Hiroshima no bread halwa
Allah that is called shoot’em Charla
simple detach his code show the ecosan
moon durga medium-sized reddening eight
slices this conley whittany four equal
parts sugar catches condi ela small
square slow key catches con aachen bit
coldly chinnough chinnough McCulloch
conscious con dar batha Oh Cap’n Petty
and low key artists Coney dry fruit
sniff righteous conduct dry fruits
beta Bonita whatta almonds
ricotta is if righteous conduct in a
golden brown color on chef Eric of
righteous Coney a convict code named
Marty Kundun chose condé next add a pan
low in consumed gr choice Coney Bonham
Carter a pentacle a bread slices named
righteous conduct evyatar way too thick
puto golden brown color or Cheever a
command of righteous collie a we call a
boot on a of Nalanda a proper to Modelo
Navis condone dolly mundane a and the
echo aces come to bread than the pinches
cooked on this so code because diggin a
had chased kundo to e to the pokemon of
righteous Cavalli Iliff righteous Cunha
Tata building these betokened a
alar a mingling of red pieces Nakota are
they within the fried cheese called a
golden color
Hochevar Kamata me fried cheese Conde
mehar Depot Kunda juice Condit next are
they ban low oka cup water add cheese
condi water heater in Theravada on the
low oka cup of sugar add cheese condi
sugar on the bottom L never cook Allah
Bundy sugar melt endure Matta mana low
flame low Patagonia sugar limit chest
only Murray high flame bit the power
Mochis only sugar melted in Theravada
become a miracle Donaghy be a man of
righteous patron of red faces neon glow
had chain he lied to come on a mass
chase so typical toned and a sugar syrup
bhava absorb i Elega collab tuned and a
low flame low mantra me a lap in tea tea
pot oh honey apricot nigga Yalu calipari
if he matches contain come on almost
bread halwa ready
our sugar syrup antha absorbed by a
Virgo cook chest Kunta incorporate halwa
ready a peanut charla simple and me in
10 and a Inga dry fruits actually
contain cumin bread halwa searches
Quranic already a Putin is so charla
chale easy Kotaku tango Minami bread
halwa Natasha scorcher so the in a
serving bowl of this country in common
our bread halwa ready so in the easy
Kumiko sweet fennel and pinto pada pada
Nimisha lumira is iike a bread hull
money thatch is culture thank you for
watching please subscribe my channel
thank you

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